Primarily, I like developing ReactJS Apps and enjoy tuning performances for web-apps in general. Find below the skills, tools and technologies I use, to bring products to life:
HTML5/ CSS3 [8/10]
JavaScript [8/10]
ReactJS [9/10]
Redux [8/10]
VueJS [7/10]
Webpack [8/10]
Here is a showcase of some of my best projects that I made. They can be found on my GitHub !
A web application that helps you search and know about any pokemon e.g. Pikachu, butterfree & many more.
A web application that helps you find and book covid-19 vaccines in India for allowed age-groups.
A boilerplate for next.js with scss and enzyme testing. It includes a basic layout, header, footer, and a basic style guide.
A Responsive web application that tracks SpaceX launches. User can filter results by launch year, success, or date.
A web application that helps you find movies and TV shows similar to Netflix.
Simple Weather application that shows the weather of a city. User can search for a city and get the weather information.
Courier Tracker helps find the status of your courier. User can search for a courier and get the status of the courier.